Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

Surprise or disbelief

Surprise or disbelief is on expression that we show / say when know / see something that rather difficult to believe....

Example : Adit : " look I got "
Ais : " that's very suprising "
Adit : " I don't know why "
Ais : " Perhaps you did wrong number "
When get a suprising fact, you can say those to tell other people :
- do you know what ?
- believe it or not ?
- you may not believe it,but..
-can you believe ?

Respon : - really ?
- are you sure / joking ?
- where ? show me

There are some ways to express surprise :
- never
- oh no
- you're kidding
- what a surprise
- my good ness
- ect

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